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Benefits at SPRING Parkour Academy

Parkour offers numerous benefits, becoming an integral aspect of many individuals' lives. It transcends mere physical activity, necessitating a holistic perspective. Engaging in Parkour presents challenges not only on a physical level but also on an emotional level.

As coaches, our emphasis is on the individual student, tailoring a path of personal development unique to them. The Academy serves as an extra dimension, guiding students in navigating life through the platform of Parkour.

Beyond the realms of family, school, and work, the gym stands as the third most consistent influence in a student's life. Regular attendance, whether once or twice a week, accompanies the ebb and flow of life's ups and downs. It is within the gym's walls that personal relationships flourish, fostering a culture of genuine investment and sincere care for one another. This foundation of acceptance is paramount for each individual in discovering their own identity.

Here are just some benefits/skills Parkour at SPRING Academy will teach you... but there are many more






Coaching Principles of SPRING Parkour Academy.png

Nurturing Resilience: Why Kids Quit Sports and How Parkour Offers a Solution

Participation in sports offers numerous benefits for children, from physical fitness to teamwork and discipline. However, the sad reality is that many kids end up quitting sports for various reasons. In this blog, we'll explore the common factors leading to kids dropping out of traditional sports and how parkour emerges as a unique and engaging solution.


  1. Intense Competition and Pressure:

    Traditional sports often emphasize competition and winning, which can be overwhelming for some kids. The pressure to perform at a high level may lead to stress and anxiety, causing them to lose interest.

    Parkour Solution: Parkour fosters a non-competitive environment. It focuses on self-improvement and personal achievements, allowing kids to set their own goals without the constant pressure of winning or losing.

  2. Lack of Inclusivity:

    Some kids might feel excluded in team sports if they don't meet certain skill levels or don't fit in with the team dynamics.

    Parkour Solution: Parkour celebrates individuality and welcomes participants of all skill levels. It doesn't require a specific team or rigid structure, making it inclusive and accessible to everyone.

  3. Monotonous Training Sessions:

    Repetitive drills and routines can make traditional sports boring for some children. The monotony of training might lead to a loss of interest over time.

    Parkour Solution: Parkour is inherently dynamic and creative. Each session is unique, incorporating diverse movements and challenges, keeping kids engaged and excited about their training.

  4. Lack of Personalized Progress:

    In team sports, a child's individual progress can sometimes get lost in the collective focus on team achievements. This lack of personal recognition might discourage some kids.

    Parkour Solution: Parkour celebrates personal achievements. Every jump mastered or obstacle overcome is a cause for individual celebration, promoting a sense of accomplishment and motivating kids to continue progressing.

  5. Overemphasis on Specialization:

    Traditional sports often encourage early specialization in a specific sport, which might not align with a child's evolving interests.

    Parkour Solution: Parkour is a versatile discipline that draws inspiration from various movement forms. It allows kids to explore and develop a broad range of physical abilities without the need for early specialization.



While traditional sports offer valuable lessons, the rise of parkour as an alternative activity for kids cannot be overlooked. Parkour provides a refreshing approach to physical activity, addressing the issues that often lead to kids quitting sports. Its inclusive, non-competitive, and dynamic nature makes it a holistic solution that not only promotes physical fitness but also nurtures resilience and a love for movement. Encouraging kids to explore parkour might just be the key to fostering a lifelong appreciation for an active and healthy lifestyle.

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